You just broke your favorite mirror and are looking for ways to fix it at home. Before you think about buying a new mirror, there are many DIY tips to rescue your favorite mirror. They say broken mirrors bring bad luck to the home. So what are you waiting for? Let's fix it quickly.
You might think it’s impossible to repair a broken mirror by yourself. Yes, it’s possible! With the right tools and preparation, your mirror will shine as fine as new. But be watchful about the level of damage.
You can't repair a completely shattered mirror.
Repairing Mirrors 101 - What You’ll Require
Before starting to repair the mirror, let us gather the necessary tools. Go to your local supply store and collect the following materials:
- A bar of soap
- Sponge
- A piece of cloth
- An applicator
- Glass Cleaner
- Stabilizer strip
- Razor
- Epoxy Adhesive Resin
Once you are done collecting all the above materials, let us start fixing your favorite mirror back to its shine. Wear your gloves and let's get to work. Here are the steps to repair the mirror:
Step-by-Step Guide to Repairing Mirrors at Home
Step 1: Take the mirror out
Your mirror might be fixed to a wooden or fiber frame. The first step you have to do is to remove the mirror carefully from the frame.
Don’t forget to use safety gloves while handling the mirror. You should take the mirror out slowly to prevent further breakage.
Step 2: The process of cleaning
Our next step is to clean the mirror well. Take some warm water, soap, and a piece of sponge to clean the mirror. You can also use a piece of cloth instead of a sponge. Soak the sponge in the water well.
Apply some soap to the mirror and scrub carefully. Make sure to remove all the dirt, oil, and stains on the broken cracks of the mirror. There might be tiny little broken mirror pieces in the cracks.
Be careful while removing those little pieces. Once you’ve cleaned the mirror, let us move on to the next step.
Step 3: The application of the stabilizer strip
Get that stabilizer film out and pull out the adhesive sticker behind the film. Carefully place the stabilizer strip on the back of the broken mirror.
Flatten the strip well with your thumb to remove any air bubbles formed. You have to use several strips according to the need. So make sure to buy a couple of strips in advance.
Step 4: Crack filling of the mirror
Now it's time to fill those cracks of the broken mirror.
Take the applicator or syringe and fill it with epoxy resin adhesive. Put the applicator near the cracks through the stabilizer strip. Fill in the epoxy adhesive resin into the cracks carefully.
Wait for twenty minutes before pulling out the applicator from the crack. The resin needs adequate time to settle down. After waiting for twenty minutes, slowly pull the applicator back from the crack. Now, wait for another ten minutes for the resin to harden up more.
Don’t rush while doing this process. Take your time and fill in the cracks one at a time with small amounts of resin. Don’t disturb the mirror while you let the resin harden.
Step 5: Removing the film and curing the resin
We are one step ahead to fix your dearest mirror. Now it's time to cure the resin. Remove the stabilizer strips quickly and carefully. You should pull out the film in one go. Now put some resin on top and wait for it to harden up.
Cover the resin with a curing film on top of it.
Slowly press the curing film on top of it. Remove any air bubbles formed under the curing film. Resin needs some time to settle into the mirror.
After a few hours, carefully remove the curing film from the resin. Peel off the razor film in one go. Use a razor blade to easily peel off the curing film. Remove the creases of resin that stuck onto the mirror.
Step 6: Final touch
Now that we have completed repairing the mirror, let's clean the surface to make it look good. Buy a mirror/glass cleaner from the nearby store.
Take a clean piece of cloth or a sponge. Spray the glass cleaner on the mirror and wipe it with the cloth in a circular motion. Now your mirror will look as good as new.
With a simple six-step procedure you will be able to bring your mirror back to life.
If your mirror got shattered very badly, don't get disheartened there are still ways to recycle the broken glass to decorate your home. You can make wall art, furniture decor, hanging pieces, and even jewelry with your broken mirror pieces.
Frequently Asked Questions to Repairing Mirrors
How can I repair scratches formed on the mirror?
Mirrors are highly prone to scratches and marks. Those annoying little scratch marks are stubborn and destroy the whole look of the mirror. But don't worry. We got you covered!
There are several methods to repair scratches formed in the mirror.
One of the most commonly used methods is to apply toothpaste to it. Take some toothpaste and gently rub it on top of the scratch. Don’t use your bare hands for doing as you may risk getting scratched by the mirror. Use a piece of cotton or clean cloth for doing this.
The toothpaste has abrasive ingredients which can fade the scratch marks. You can use this technique on car windows and spectacles too. Use non-abrasive toothpaste on spectacles to protect the lenses.
Another method is to use clear nail polish to fade the scratches on the mirror. Take a clear nail polish and apply a thin layer on top of the scratch.
Make sure to wipe out the excess nail polish before it dries. Check whether the scratch is still visible or not. If it hasn't faded, apply another layer of clear nail polish on top of it.
You don't have clear nail polish at home?
Well, then head to the kitchen and take some white vinegar and dry mustard. Mix it to make a paste and apply it to the scratch using a cotton ball or a cloth.
If you are looking for a more advanced method, then try using cerium oxide. Cerium oxide is usually used to polish and renew jewelry. It also enhances your mirror's shine along with clearing scratches. You can use these methods on your car's side mirror also.
How do I remove black spots on the mirror?
Black spots are another nightmare for people who want to keep their mirror forever.
They are caused by exposure to water or wearing silver behind the back of the mirror. It's hard to cure these black spots completely.
If you want to get rid of them completely, you have to re-silver the mirror. Re-silvering needs a lot of effort and experience if you are dealing with large mirrors. But if you want to re-silver a small mirror you can buy a re-silver kit from the market and try it yourself.
But there are simple ways in which you can hide these black spots easily.
Try sticking aluminum foil at the back of the mirror. The aluminum foil looks like a mirror and it can hide the black spots well.
Another option is to paint over the mirror. If the black spots are near the sides, try painting over them to hide the spots.
Are all mirrors alike?
The answer is no.
Mirrors are slightly different in their composition and curvature. That is why you look different when you look at different mirrors. We are using plain mirrors for our daily uses.
Plain mirrors can also have slight variations and imperfections that make them reflect light differently. The quality of mirrors might also vary.
Usually, the quality varies in accordance with the price. If you are looking for a mirror that has a high life expectancy, then go for some costlier options.
Choose your mirror according to the purpose. If you looking for a small mirror to carry around, go for a cheaper one as it has a high chance of breakage while you carry it around daily. But if you planning to install a mirror in your house, then it would be ideal to choose a high-quality mirror.
We understand that mirrors hold a special place in people's minds as they reflect our faces every day. Some mirrors have great antique value and cannot be replaced at any cost.
Material things often become our best buddies when we use them daily, especially at home. We can't easily throw them out because of a single crack.
And you don't have to.
Now that you have learned several methods to save your favorite mirror, try each one of them and see what works for you.