How to Grow a Lemon Tree from Seed (5 Easy Steps)

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Have you ever heard the phrase, “When life gives you a lemon, make ‘trees’?”

Not verbatim, of course. 

Well, here is the simplest interpretation of that phrase. Any time you buy that lemon from the grocery, set aside a seed or two for propagation.

How to grow a lemon tree from seed is practically a simple DIY process.

In today’s post, you’ll learn five easy steps to grow a lemon from seed, plus maintenance tips. You’re also going to learn about the common pests and diseases and their management.

Lemon trees produce super green leaves, white flowers, and brightly colored, fully ripe yellow and orange fruits, which can be used to make lemonade. They are also a rich source of vitamin C, which is necessary for the growth and repair of body tissues.

Let’s take a look at how you can grow them at home.

What You’ll Require

A fully mature organic lemon fruit (Source for seeds)

Aluminum foil for drying the seeds

Pasteurized potting mix to prevent any seed infection

Seed flats for sowing



Polyurethane bag

20 percent bleaching agent

Potassium hydroxide

5 Step Process on How to Grow a Lemon Tree from Seed in Containers

Step 1- seed selection

The very first step in propagating a lemon tree from seeds is to ensure you choose the best juicy and tasty lemon fruit.

You can taste two or three fruits and select the best. The fruit should be organic since their counterparts contain seeds that do not germinate.


Step 2- washing

Remove the seeds from the lemon pulp and gently wash them using a 20 percent bleaching solution to remove any tissues and sugars that can attract fungal diseases.

If any tissue sticks on the seeds, clean the seeds using dilute potassium hydroxide. Alternatively, you can simply suck the seeds until they are clean.

Step 3- drying

You can choose to plant the extracted seeds immediately or dry them on an aluminum foil first.

Do not expose the seeds to direct sunlight. After drying, plant them or dust the seeds using a fungicide. If you are not ready to plant them, preserve them in polyurethane bags.

Store them in a cool place of approximately 45℉. For directly sown seeds, plant them half an inch deep at the center of the pot.

Step 4- germination

Before planting, soak the seeds for approximately eight hours for faster germination. Seeds take relatively two to three weeks to germinate after planting.

Put a pasteurized potting mix (preferably a mixture of peat moss and perlite/sand) in the seed flats and sow the seeds ¼ or ½ inches deep. Ensure the soil remains moist but not wet.

Cover the top of the container with plastic wrap to ensure water is retained, and seal the edges with rubber bands.

Poke small holes at the top to help see the sprouting process. When sprouting occurs, remove the plastic cover.

Note: a pasteurized/sterile potting mix prevents harmful pathogens from killing the seeds.

When growing indoors, place the lemon tree seeds in a location that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight.

The ideal temperatures should also range between 60℉ and 70℉. Once the seedlings grow several leaves, transplant them to bigger containers.

Repot whenever necessary to promote fruit development and new growth. Prune the tree by removing lower, older, and dry leaves.

Use grow lights as an add-on to the sun’s light if you need supplemental lighting. 

During winter, stop applying fertilizer and reduce watering to prevent waterlogging.

Step 5- Maintenance

Lemon trees love full sunlight. They should also be watered, preferably three to five days a week, and provided with frost protection if the temperatures drop. 

Also, fertilize the young trees monthly for a vigorous tree.

It is fun watching your lemon tree grow. However long it may take, you will love the output. Just picture your garden with several green lemon trees and orange/yellow fruits.

Doesn’t it look lovely?

However, it is important to note that everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Lemon trees propagated from seeds are usually not identical to their parents.

They are inferior and also take five years or more to produce fruits.

Common pests and diseases


Aphids (Toxoptera citricida)

The symptoms of an aphid-infested lemon tree are curly leaves and twigs covered in a gluey substance that may grow sooty mold, and curly leaves.

The number of aphids usually declines naturally as the leaves age. Pesticide application is not recommended due to resistance.

Instead, use natural control measures outlined in this article - How to Get Rid of Aphids Permanently (Easily and Naturally)

Thrips (Scirtothrips citri)

These insects feed below the sepals of young fruits, causing scars on the fruit and expanding the fruit rind.

Healthy trees can tolerate heavy feeding, so applying insecticides is not highly recommended. However, insecticides can stimulate reproduction and increase the number of thrips.

Citrus leaf miner (Phyllocnistis citrella)

They leave behind a thin and winding trail on the leaves. When heavily infested, the leaves get curly and distorted.

These insects majorly affect young trees; hence, it is recommended to treat them with the right insecticide to prevent stunted growth.


Armillaria root rot (Armillaria mellea)

Lemon tree leaves will show signs of chlorosis and start dropping from the tree. The trees may show signs of wilting, and the whole canopy will be affected if the roots are damaged.

You'll also notice mushroom clusters forming at the bottom of the tree.

You can fumigate the soil to decrease soil inoculum. If infection is severe, cut down the affected trees and avoid replanting the area with healthy lemon trees for up to one year. In addition, learn how to properly water your trees.

Anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)

The twigs usually show signs of dieback, and leaves start dropping off. The fruits will have dark stains, and dark spores cover the twigs and leaves.

Apply a recommended fungicide to the whole tree if the disease is severe.

Mal secco (Phoma tracheiphila)

The leaves dry up and drop off, the leaf veins become chlorotic, and the midrib of the affected leaves may turn red.

To control this problem, plant using clean and sterile material. Prune off any affected branches and shoots. Spray the trees with copper fungicides. 

Don’t use overhead irrigation.

Black root rot (Thielaviopsis basicola)

You may spot brown or black lesions on the roots, which eventually turn the whole root system black. The plant leaves may also show signs of chlorosis.

Ensure that you use high-quality growing medium and aeration. If not, you need to learn how to improve the drainage of your soil.

Citrus canker (Xanthomonas axonopodis)

Lesions are visible on the leaf margin, leaf tip, fruits, and twigs. When the lesions are young, a yellow halo surrounds them.

Completely cut down all the affected lemon trees to prevent the spread to healthy trees. In places where the disease is widespread, you can also use windbreaks to control the severity.

Bacterial canker (Pseudomonas syringae)

Black or water-soaked lesions are visible on the fruits, leaf petioles, and midribs. Cankers cause leaves to turn black and eventually die.

Apply copper fungicides in areas where the disease is severe.

Tristeza disease (Citrus tisteza virus (CTV))

There is undesirable new growth, light green leaves that may start falling off the tree, and young trees that will bloom earlier than expected.

Twigs become brittle, leaves usually show signs of chlorosis, and the affected trees become stunted. Quarantine procedures are used to prevent the pathogen from entering unaffected areas.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I grow a lemon tree indoors?

Yes. Growing lemon trees indoors is totally fun. Start your seeds in small pots, and once they outgrow the pots, transplant them into larger containers.

Regardless of the climate, lemon trees will grow excellently, provided you select the right tree and ensure it meets its special requirements.

How long does it take for a seed-grown lemon tree to produce fruits?

This may take approximately 4-6 years for the tree to produce fruits. However, others may take as long as 10 years.

Can I dry lemon seeds before planting?

Yes. The seeds can either be planted immediately after extraction or dried completely on aluminum foil or nonstick paper prior to planting.

Can you leave your lemon trees outdoors during winter?

There is a type of lemon tree called Meyer lemon that does very well in winter.

However, if the temperatures fall below 30℃, you can shift them indoors when the chilly spells start. You can also provide frost protection for trees grown outdoors.

Do lemon trees need full sun?

Yes. Provide them with at least eight hours of sunlight a day and in a southern exposure.


Now, you must be excited about quenching your thirst with that lemonade! Whether you grow your lemon tree indoors or outdoors, you can expect a good yield, provided you follow all the instructions carefully.

Lastly, it takes patience to see the fruits of your labor.

How about planting more lemon trees from seeds as you wait for these ones to grow? Feel free to add to, comment on, or ask questions.

Editor's Note: This post was originally published on June 14, 2021, and has been revamped and updated for accuracy, grammar, readability, and comprehensiveness.

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