In this guide, you’re going to learn how to propagate, grow, and care for Marble Queen pothos. You’re also going to learn some of the key requirements including the most common physiological disorders to look out for.
Marble Queen, also botanically known as Epipremnum aureum 'Marble Queen' is a densely variegated cultivar of the classic ‘criminal’ pothos houseplant.
Criminal because the parent plant has so many aliases.
While these plants can tolerate lower light levels, they thrive better under adequate indirect light. However, all things considered, Marble Queen pothos is a low-maintenance plant making it ideal for most beginners.
Therefore, if you’re looking to perk up the look of your living room while filtering indoor air pollutants then, Marble Queen is the best option for you.
What’s more, it’ll demand very little of you while making you look like a true green thumb. You just need to understand what to do and when.
So, if you want to learn everything there is about this refreshing plant, then you’ll love today’s guide.
Let’s get started:
Marble Queen Pothos Factsheet
Common name(s): Pothos ‘Marble Queen’
Scientific/Botanical name: Epipremnum aureum 'Marble Queen'
USDA Hardiness zones: 11a through 12b
Mature Height: 8 - 12 feet long.
Mature Spread: 3 – 4 feet wide.
Growing habit: Broadleaved, evergreen, perennial vine.
Native Area: Australia.
Blooming Time: Spring and Summer but inconsequential indoors
Growth Rate: Medium to Fast
Description: Epipremnum aureum 'Marble Queen' is a popular aroid that forms lush green and long trailing vines, making it great for hanging baskets. It has bright green leaves mottled with bright creamy white variegation that varies from leaf to leaf – while some leaves are almost fully white, others with larger green patches.
You should take caution when growing this plant because it may potentially be toxic depending on the level of exposure.
Besides, like other pothos cultivars, Marble Queen pothos contain crystals of calcium oxalate and toxic proteins which can cause irritation of the skin and mucous membrane.
Symptoms of poisoning include burning sensation of the mouth and throat, excessive drooling or saliva production, vomiting, loss of coordination, increased thirst, increased urination, and body temperature.
You should consult a veterinarian immediately if your pet exhibits such symptoms.
Alternatively, prevent such incidences by spraying your pothos with Bodhi Dog Bitter Lemon Spray which is effective in discouraging your pets from chewing on the plants.
For a complete list of poisonous plants for pets, check this article - Poisonous Plants for Dogs: 51+ Toxic Plants to Watch Out.
How to Propagate Marble Queen Pothos
You can easily propagate Marble Queen pothos from stem cuttings.
You just need to follow the steps below:
What You Need (Supplies)
4" pots with moistened potting soil or seed starting mix, sharp pair of pruning shears, twine or string, drip tray, water bottle
Step 1: Take a 3-4 inch long stem cutting from the parent plant.
To do this, use a sharp pair of pruning shears to make a clean cut at an angle just below a leaf node.
This is where the new roots will emerge from. Make sure you leave behind any leaves that are in the way of the cutting.
Step 2: Fill a 4-inch pot with moistened potting soil or you can also use seed starting mix if available.
Then, place the stem cutting on top of the soil.
Make sure it sits about an inch below the rim of your container so that it has room to grow roots.
Step 3: Gently tamp down the soil around your cutting to secure it in place.
Then, mist the pothos cuttings with water and then cover the entire pot with a plastic bag.
Secure the bag by tying twine or string around it and then put it under indirect light for 6 weeks.
This will help the cuttings get enough light and nutrients to establish a strong root system.
Step 4: In about 6 weeks, you should notice tiny green roots starting to emerge from your cutting’s node joints.
At this point, remove the plastic bag and expose the pot to indirect sunlight for about 2 hours each day.
You can also plant it in a larger pot or outdoors if you want.
Step 5: Leave the pothos cuttings in their pots for another 6 weeks before taking them out of their containers.
Although this might seem like a long time, these steps will help the roots grow strong enough to support themselves on their own.
After these steps, you should have a Marble Queen pothos plant in its own pot that’s ready for transplanting in another container or your garden!
Marble Queen Pothos Care Tips
If you want to look like an expert with any houseplant, then you need to master the best watering practices – and the rest shall follow.
In doing so, you will end up with a healthy plant that can naturally thrive on its own.
As for Marble Queen pothos care, it requires moist soil conditions as opposed to wetness.
Water your plants whenever the soil is 50% dry and let the excess water drain out from the holes in the bottom of your pot or tray – untreated tap water from the faucet is okay as it has been chlorinated.
However, do not soak your plant’s soil for any reason as this can cause root rot and fungal diseases.
Potting Soil
Carefully choose the potting mix you are using to ensure that your plant thrives.
You can prepare your own by mixing 2 parts peat moss, 1 part perlite, and 1 part vermiculite.
However, commercially-prepared potting soil is fine as well if it’s labeled as an all-purpose mix because it contains all the essentials your plant will need.
Fertilizer Application
Marble Queen pothos does not require a lot of fertilizer to thrive – in fact, you should only fertilize your pothos sparingly to avoid burning its roots with too much nitrogen.
This can lead to yellowing leaves and poor overall health of your plants.
If you want to fertilize your plant, then use a balanced 20-20-20 slow-release fertilizer once every month to help nourish it.
If possible, apply the fertilizer at a half-strength of the recommended rate on the label.
No matter how well your pothos are cared for, they will eventually start to grow tall and fall over unless you do regular pruning.
Besides, pruning will help prevent the plant from becoming leggy and promotes bushier growth habit.
To do this, pinch back its stem tips using your fingers or shears until it reaches the size you prefer.
You can also root these cuttings for more plants if you like.
Light Requirements
Even though Marble Queen pothos will grow in low light conditions, it will still produce more leaves and flowers if exposed to bright filtered light.
Also, they need bright indirect light to maintain their highly variegated nature.
If possible, keep your plant about 6 inches away from a large window with sheer curtains. However, avoid direct sunlight as this can scorch the plants’ gorgeous leaves.
Besides, if you want to grow it indoors in a room with little light source such as hallways or bathrooms, then use artificial lighting such as fluorescent lights instead.
Temperature and Humidity
Temperatures play an important role when growing the Marble Queen plant because it thrives in warm weather conditions.
To keep its leaves from drooping, make sure to provide your pothos with an environment that’s between 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit on a regular basis.
Humidity is equally important because this affects how your plant absorbs moisture and nutrients from the soil over time.
If you want to increase the humidity around your Marble Queen pothos, then use a pebble tray with water or a humidifier.
Some gardeners even resort to misting the leaves to raise the humidity level. If you choose to take this route, make sure you do it early in the afternoon to avoid wet leaves when the temperature begins to drop.
Marble Queen pothos don't require frequent repotting since enjoy being slightly rootbound.
Most of the time, you should repot your Marble Queen plants every 2 years because they can grow quite large over time.
However, do not repot it at all if you notice damaged roots or stems; instead, try to propagate it for more plants.
To repot your plant, you will need a new pot that is 2 inches larger than the old one and a quality potting mix.
Turn its soil over and remove all the dead leaves and loose organic matter – do not disturb its root ball as this could cause shock to the plant.
Once this is done, position its root ball in the center of your pot and refill your pot with potting mix all around it until the soil level is 1 inch below the rim of your pot.
After this, water thoroughly enough until excess water drains out from the holes at the bottom of your pot or tray.
Marble Queen pothos is a tropical plant that cannot tolerate cold weather – so, if you grow this inside, then keep it as a houseplant year-round.
While the plant will not survive outdoors during harsh winter months, you can still bring it out for summer and move it back indoors for the winter.
To take your plant outdoors, make sure to acclimate it gradually until it can tolerate outdoor conditions – this should take a few weeks. Also, move your plant back indoors as soon as possible once summer is over.
Pests and Diseases Management
Unfortunately, Marble Queen pothos can be affected by common pests and diseases that can weaken or kill your plant over time.
To prevent these problems from occurring, regularly check for bugs on its leaves.
You should also remove any fallen leaves you see to help control the spread of these problems.
If your Marble Queen pothos is already infected with say aphids, leafhoppers, mealybugs, or whiteflies for example, then treat it with organic insecticides.
On the other hand, common diseases to watch out for are fungal leaf spots, root rot, and botrytis which can be treated with fungicide or mycorrhizae fungus mix.
However, if none of these work then unfortunately your plant will have to be discarded.
Common Problems with Marble Queen Pothos (Physiological Disorders)
Marble Queen Pothos Leaves Yellowing
Your Marble Queen pothos leaves may begin to yellow when it isn't getting enough sunlight.
Make sure that your plant is placed in a bright spot where it will get at least 4 or more hours of direct light each day or else its leaves may lose their color over time.
Too much or too little water could also cause yellowing of the leaves.
Also, the lower and older leaves of this plant are more likely to age thus yellowing, so you should remove these if they start turning yellow or brown.
In summary, diagnosing the exact root cause can only be done by you - depending on your specific routine when the problem arises.
Brown Spots on the Leaves
You may notice brown spots all over your Marble Queen pothos leaves.
This is typically caused by cold drafts so make sure that your plant isn't near any air vents or doors that lead outdoors.
Also, if your plant is in a very dry environment then it may start losing its leaves but that's because of dehydration rather than this particular problem.
Leaves Turning Brown
Browning on the leaf edges and tips usually means that your Marble Queen pothos isn't getting enough water or care hence the unhealthy look.
If this is the case, then thoroughly water your plant as soon as its soil feels dry to the touch and move it into a brighter spot that will allow for direct sunlight.
Brown blotches on leaves with yellowing edges may indicate Marble Queen pothos leaf scorch caused by cold drafts in a house.
You should move this plant to a room where it can get direct sunlight and water it regularly - but don't over-water your plant because that will cause it to wilt, too.
From now on, you should be well-equipped with the Marble Queen pothos care tips that are needed to successfully grow this plant indoors or outdoors.
Besides, if you run out of ideas for what houseplants to choose next, then head over to our blog section and check out all the available plant guides.
To learn more about other types of pothos, here are other articles you might like:
- Pothos Plant Care: The Complete Beginners Guide (with pictures).
- How to Propagate Pothos Without Rooting Hormone.
- Why Are Your Pothos Leaves Curling? (And What to Do).
- Cebu Blue Pothos Care: The Complete Beginners Guide.
- Satin Pothos: How to Grow & Care for Scindapsus pictus.
- Hawaiian Pothos Care: Tips and Tricks That Work.
Until next time, happy gardening!